Wolf's Fang of Fury Dialogue | |
Zone 1 | Ev1-1 • Ev1-2 • Ev1-3 • Ev1-4 • Ev1-5 |
Zone 2 | Ev2-1 • Ev2-2 • Ev2-3 • Ev2-4 • Ev2-5 • Ev2-6 • Ev2-7 |
Zone 1 | Ev3-1 • Ev3-2 • Ev3-3 • Ev3-4 • Ev3-5 |
Translated by Khosen
- Ev1-2 - Another Self Who Is Not Like Me
Before the Battle
- Uhm~, so is it really that...there're no humans anymore besides...the Commander...right? Whoa...
- And if that's true, I know I shouldn't be asking this but isn't the future quite grim for us...?
- You're a soldier. There's no need for you to look at the forest. Stop daydreaming and focus on your current mission.
- Y, yes, ma'am! I, I, I, I, I'm sorry!
- Commander:
- Was having these two together with each other the right move? They both seem uncomfortable with the current situation...I'm worried.
- Speaking of worried, I'm also worried about the bridge's door that's been making some squeaking noise for a while.
- It's going to break any second by the sound of it.
- ...Huh? If I'm not mistaken, the door's slowly being bent...?
- You're not, probably because we have someone who wanted to overhear our conversation. They just can't control themselves...
- Commander:
- As Khan sighed aloud, the door finally took its toll and broke, and I saw familiar faces who fell inside the bridge.
Quick Camel:
- Urghhh! I told you not to push!
War Wolf:
- Ah~ See, we can explain. We received an anonymous tip asking us to test the integrity of the bridge door...
- In conclusion, we conclude that it's unacceptably weak! Like seriously, it did nothing against our weight.
- Probably because Camel's ass is too big...
Quick Camel:
- How's this my fault!?
- ...Oh?
- Commander:
- Kheshig was dumbfounded as she was welcomed with the chaotic nature of Anger of the Horde before being properly introduced... My concerns for her are growing even stronger.
- Well, I guess we can take this opportunity and formally introduce you to them. If you have knowledge of the 1st Allied War, I'm sure you recognize the four over here, no? But unlike their older models, they...
- General! There's no need for a formal briefing! The quickest way for her to know us is by getting high with the same gunpowder-filled air on a battlefield.
War Wolf:
- Feather's ready for us in the simulation room. Now, shall we? It's a mock battle, but we've set the difficulty as 'Specially designed for Horde.' So once we're done, you'll know exactly where your skill level's at and how we operate.
- Eh? Ehhh!?
- A mock battle, like, all of a sudden!?
- I see how you're using the whole rookie thing as your shield, but that will make us uncomfortable.
Quick Camel:
- We were looking forward to how the T-4 Kheshig, who literally became a legend, fights! We're also interested in how the Horde fought 100 years ago too. Go easy on us, okay!?
- Wait! I'm still trying to figure out which page we're at! I caaaaaaan't!
- Commander:
- Kheshig seemed like she was about to cry. But looking at how things are going, I don't think I can interfere to save her. The only hope she has would be Khan...
- ...I see. I suppose that's the quickest way to get used to what it's like being a member of Anger of the Horde.
- Kheshig, I'm assigning you your first mission.
- Go with the rest and complete the mock battle. Get familiar with where Anger of the Horde is at in this present day.
- Throw away everything you think you know. A lot has changed in the past 100 years.
- Hnnnnnn...
- An unorthodox approach, but are you alright with this, Commander?
- Commander:
- H~mm...well, if they're going inside a simulator, we won't be seeing any wounded, and I guess this is an excellent opportunity for Kheshig to get friendly with the rest. Besides, I want Kheshig to get used to the new Orca life as soon as possible too.
- Yes, you have my blessing. Play nice, everyone. (Choice)
War Wolf:
- Hell yeah! That's my Commander right there. Think I have yet another crush on you now.
After the battle
- ...
- ...
War Wolf:
- ...
- Is this for real?
- Uhhh...I'm sorry...
- I can't catch up with the rest...everyone's just too fast...
Talon Feather:
- Hmm~ this is our usual pace, though...are we different with the Horde on your data?
- Yes. I had an eerie feeling after seeing Miss War Wolf's twin pistol and her hat...but that was nothing like the training I've received before. Like, come on, it doesn't make sense!
- Why were we abandoning our post and charging at the enemy at full force!? Okay, we were inside a simulator, but why are we acting like there's no point of return? And Miss Camel, who was at the front, had over 300% probability of being shot doooooooown...
Quick Camel:
- Ah~ Well, I played the General's role today.
- Those statistics don't really represent reality.
War Wolf:
- Since it's a mock battle, anyone who gets to 'play' the General's role gets a comment or two.
- It's impossible to move like General Khan in the first place.
- Is General Khan that strong? For her to charge towards the enemy front by herself like that all the time?
- Says you, why are you so slow and weak?
Talon Feather:
- Hey, Hyena...
- We're the ones who should be complaining. I expected hell where we would have to push our limits.
- You weren't kidding when you said you're specialized in supporting the rest from behind, huh?
Quick Camel:
- Hey, that's a little unfair to Kheshig. We were the ones who began assuming without concrete info.
- W, what are you all talking about?
- Everyone here heard a story where you'd be as strong as General Khan.
- Who would spread such fake news...
War Wolf:
- Well, only an idiot truly believes in stories shared amongst us.
- Like, are all Lilith or Alexandra models psychos who try to kill one another? No, of course not.
- ...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said such things.
- Did a Kheshig model...
- Do something amazing after the Allied War...?
Talon Feather:
- (...Hey, what do we do? Do we tell her about General Khan?)
Quick Camel:
- (Nah, I think that'll throw away any self-esteem she has right now.)
- (The persons directly involved seemed complicated about it. As a third party, I think it's best we don't talk about it.)
- Commander:
- After receiving the log from the mock battle conducted just now, I checked the statistics with Khan. And I think...we need to talk about this.
- Disappointed?
- Commander:
- No, not really. (Choice 1)
- She's doing what a supporter should do... (Choice 2)
- (*It all leads to the same dialogue*)
- Unlike how Khan had advised, I think she's fit for battle. If I think about the other troops, I know how Silky or Andvari plays an active role and support the battlefront when necessary.
- The issue with the mock battle was probably because she had to support someone like War Wolf, a true-born hunter.
- And that's the issue. Our current tactics do not suit how Kheshig was run back in the day.
- I know how she was designed to develop an allegiance to Horde naturally. But Anger of the Horde in Orca is different from Saman's Anger of the Horde 100 years ago. I changed the whole paradigm.
- Commander:
- A warrior who has no match would charge at the enemy single-handedly while the rest of the troop covers for her. This tactic of the Horde is extremely unorthodox in terms of contemporary military tactics. Nonetheless, Anger of the Horde proved its worth by coming out victorious in numerous battles. And that was only possible as Khan possessed unique talent no others did.
- As such, those serving under Khan should possess traits different from conventional soldiers. I guess that is why Anger of the Horde in Orca comprises of unique members found nowhere else in different troops.
- So can Kheshig fit and blend well into this troop? Well, hmm...
- What do you say, Armand? (Choice)
- I decided to listen to Armand's advice, who was also helping me analyze the battle log with us. She's been keeping quiet with a gloomy face this entire time. I have a bad feeling about this...
- In short, there won't be an issue. I'm sure Miss Kheshig will get used to her new environment.
- Commander:
- Oh? I wasn't expecting such a positive statement. Then what's with her long face?
- She couldn't show her full potential in the mock battle probably because she was emotionally incapable; physically, she has what it takes to succeed. It looks like Miss Kheshig has an extreme fear of her allies getting shot during battle.
- Commander:
- I noticed that too. Her character doesn't suit her to serve in the military.
- Anger of the Horde was created during the early phases of military bioroid troops. Like War Wolf and Brownie models, it looks like Kheshig models were designed to test how bioroids could be used in battle.
- However, as time progressed, military tactics involving bioroids began parting ways with military tactics involving humans. First, the survival rate of bioroid soldiers was no longer considered, and humans deleted the role of bioroid medics. Second, with the development of Gnome models, a Steel Line tactic where they would form a defensive position to minimize damage became the conventional bioroid military tactic.
- With these in mind, the Kheshig models were probably designed with such personality to enforce the idea of 'protecting everyone whatever it takes,' and to ensure their success in missions.
- Commander:
- Armand elaborated calmly, but her explanations made me feel a little pent-up in sadness.
- Programming a particular personality trait in accordance to their role... Humans, before extinction, would create numerous bioroids in such a way as if they were their gods.
- But would the bioroids who were born that way truly be happy?
- For one to implement an artificial fear into Kheshig models and send them off to the battlefront is like...
- Whipping animals and pushing them to their limits.
- The future you fear won't come, Your Majesty. She will change. There's no reason not to believe she won't.
- Commander:
- Is that coming from your usual prognosis? (Choice)
- ...No. An inevitable end result from a destined fate.
- Commander:
- Armand was constantly looking at the ground with concern...trying her very best to avoid eye contact with Khan next to her for some reason.